Bridal Hair Sussex - Five Ways to Keep Your Summer Wedding Hair Looking Fabulous All Day Long!

Every bride wishes for a little bit of sunshine on her special day, but when temperatures soar, some extra work is required to ensure that your hair stays put throughout the celebrations. As a wedding hairstylist in Sussex and Surrey, I’ve had plenty of experience styling hair on hot Summer days and have picked up lots of useful tricks along the way. Here are my top 5 tips for long lasting Wedding Hair:-

Louise Adby Photo

Louise Adby Photo

  1. Clip in Hair Extensions -

    Or "‘Magic Hair’ as I like to call them. Although made of real hair, the clip ins won’t react to the weather like your own hair does, but will act like a scaffolding for your style. Regardless of whether your hair is thick or fine, these little friends will help to hold your curl, wave or style throughout the day.

  2. Anti Frizz Lotion/Oil -

    No bride wants frizzy hair on her wedding day, but in sunny, humid weather, your hair may have other ideas! My first step in prepping the hair would always be to blow dry in a little anti frizz lotion (or anti frizz oil if the hair is thicker and more coarse). These products will form a thin layer which protects the hair from humidity. Living Proof and Alterna Caviar are 2 of my favourites anti frizz brands.

  3.  Pinning Curls -

    After curling hair, I always pin it up and allow at least 20mins for the hair to cool. This will help the shape to form and the curl to stay, even on hot, humid days.

  4.  Texturising Powder -

    No matter how voluminous your hair looks when it’s freshly styled, if your scalp has moisture on it due to the hot weather, your hair will drop. By using texturising powder at the roots and adding a little backcombing at the same time, this will ensure the volume stays put. My favourite is Powderful by Scwarzkopff Got2b and I always have one in my kit.

  5. Layering Products -

    You might think using too many products would make hair greasy or even crispy, but they can all work together to keep the style in place. So, for example, if a client told me her hair never holds a curl, I would start by blow drying in a strong hold mousse, before curling I would spray the sections with a setting spray, followed by a medium hold hairspray onto each curl, and then a strong hold hairspray once the hairstyle is completed.

    Gavin x

Louise Adby Photo

Louise Adby Photo

Louise Adby Photo

Louise Adby Photo